Saturday, January 21, 2006

Weeks Bay

Although it was threatening to rain and thunder today, I set out to paddle Weeks Bay. Saw a little rain on the drive out, but otherwise the sky was pretty calm. I haven't been down Rt 1 to the bay before...there is still quite a bit of Hurricane cleanup going on, far more than you see further up north in Fairhope, a function of elevation I suspect.

Anyway, I hit the boat launch and found a nice sandy spot just inside the bay to launch. After setting up the boat, I headed out across the bay to the mouth of the Fish River. You can see from the path below that I hit a nice current coming out of the Magnolia River about mid-bay. It was 2 3/4 miles across the was nice to be in relatively open water after all the bayou and creek paddling I have been doing lately. I ran under the hwy 98 bridge and cut out to explore one of the back bayous just after the bridge. There were a lot of herons out and I figured I was pretty much alone in the Bayou until an AL Marine Resource Enforcement boat lit off and came flying around the corner. Good thing you can hear them a ways away. They politely slowed down when they saw me. After running up the bayou, I popped back out into the river and hit the boat ramp for lunch where I found a 25' from STA Dauphin Island doing auxiliary training. They also politely slowed down as they went by. After a pleasant lunch, I kayaked back across the bay. The wind had built a little, and there was I was cutting into that and a little light chop, slowing my progress on the way back, but keeping me nice and cool.

All in all, a nice paddle, with two other good trips available down there...the Magnolia River, or the Fish River starting at the boat ramp just under the Hwy 98 bridge.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Boiling Creek

Well, this weekend was supposed to be a three day trip up near Stockton, but weather and work interfered. So, as a consolation prize I drove to Niceville to get my Eglin AFB recreation permit for a leisurely sunday paddle on Boiling Creek. What a great place! We paddled upstream for a while (2.25 miles, roughly) before stopping for lunch. Gary hopped into my kayak for the trip back, leaving me with his one man performance canoe. This being the first time that I have canoed, it was quite an experience. Nonetheless, I managed to make it back without a dip this time, and thoroughly enjoyed the new experience. Hopefully, I'll head up to Stockton later this month to try and enjoy a couple days out in the bayous...I have bacon and eggs to honor Ed Abbey, so the trip will have to be made!