Sunday, December 09, 2007

Short update on a long time...

Alright...I know it's been a while, but I wasn't here! The NOLS sea kayaking trip in Baja was spectacular. I don't have time to cover the trip in detail here, but what will forever stand out toe me was the opportunity to watch 19 consecutive sunrises, alternately with a paddle or a cup of coffee in hand. The pictures are here;

Also, I started flight school unexpectedly early, which is contributing to the limited trip report from Baja. I have found a couple opportunities to kayak though...a classic delta trip to Jug Lake last week, and a foggy morning yesterday.

Odd Duck.
Downtown Milton.


The Big Blue Frog said...

Found out Thursday that I paddled that 12/2 Jug Lake trip with a herniated disc (from moving boxes the previous Saturday). I'm grounded for a while. No kayaking until my back heals. I'm living vicariously through kayak blogs.

Anonymous said...

this photos is beautifull!!